Hello fellow bookworms! There's a certain book series that's been setting the book world ablaze lately (pun intended!), and I'm sure you all know what I'm talking about. Yes, I'm referring to the Empyrean series, and specifically, the highly anticipated Iron Flame and the upcoming third installment.
Now, I'm no stranger to hype. I've been swept up in book crazes before, eagerly pre-ordering, staying up all night to finish a book, and then immediately joining the online frenzy of discussions and theories. But with Iron Flame and the subsequent book, I'm taking a slightly different approach.
I'm waiting.
Yes, you heard that right. I haven't bought Iron Flame yet, and I likely won't until the initial wave of hype has subsided a bit. There are a few reasons for this.
First, there's the practical side. Book releases, especially highly anticipated ones, can be chaotic. Pre-orders get lost, shipping is delayed, and bookstores are often sold out. I'd rather avoid the stress and frustration and wait until things have calmed down a bit.
Secondly, and perhaps more importantly, I want to experience the book on my own terms. When a book is surrounded by immense hype, it's easy to get caught up in the whirlwind of opinions and theories. I want to go into Iron Flame with a fresh perspective, without any preconceived notions or expectations shaped by the online discourse. I want to form my own opinions, to experience the story without the influence of others.
And finally, there's the financial aspect. Let's be honest, book buying can be an expensive hobby. By waiting, I can budget more effectively and avoid impulse purchases. Plus, there's often a lull in prices after the initial release frenzy, so I might even be able to snag a copy for a bit cheaper.
This isn't to say I'm not excited about the books. I am! I've heard wonderful things, and I'm eager to dive into the story. But I've learned that sometimes, patience is a virtue, especially when it comes to highly anticipated releases.
I'm also applying this strategy to the third book. I'm going to wait until it's released and the initial hype has died down before I even think about pre-ordering or buying a copy. This way, I can read both books back-to-back, without having to wait anxiously for the next installment.
So, while everyone else is buzzing about Onyx Storm, I'll be patiently waiting in the wings. My time will come, and when it does, I'll be ready to immerse myself in the story, completely on my own terms.
Are any of you also waiting for the hype to die down before reading a book? What are your strategies for dealing with book hype? Share your thoughts in the comments below!