Thursday, September 12, 2024

My Bookish Confessions - My Guilty Pleasures

 I am going to expose myself by saying that there are books I have read that I have loved, but a little embarrassed to admit. I think we all have a few, DONT LIE LOL. Whether it's a guilty pleasure series or a habit we're not particularly proud of we've all got our bookish skeletons in the closet. Today, let's come clean and share our bookish confessions. 


1. Judging Books by Their Covers: Let's be honest, we've all picked up a book based on its eye-catching cover. Sometimes, it's a total hit, but other times, it's a major disappointment.

2. Hoarding Books: Do you have a towering bookshelf overflowing with books you've never read? You're not alone! It's hard to resist, even if you already have a never-ending TBR pile.

 3. Reading in Secret: Do you hide your reading material from others? Maybe you're embarrassed by your genre preferences or want to avoid interruptions. Whatever the reason, there's nothing wrong with a little secret reading time. LOL especially when reading in a crowded place.

4. Getting Lost in Fictional Worlds: Have you ever felt so immersed in a book that you forgot about your surroundings? It's a wonderful feeling, but it can also make it difficult to return to reality.

5. Reading the Same Author Over and Over: Is there a particular author whose books you can't get enough of? It's a great way to discover new stories and characters within a familiar universe. You already know I will be reading Freida Mcfadden, Colleen Hoover and Riley Sager. 

6. I've cried over a fictional character. Whether it's a heartbreaking loss or a heartwarming moment, I just be sobbing away.

7. I've judged people based on their reading preferences. Don't even pretend like you haven't. Don't worry this is something I am working on. To each their own lol. 
8. I've argued with a friend/husband about a book. We all have those heated debates about our favorite characters or plot twists.
 9. I've fallen asleep while reading. It's one of my classics and is not even because I am bored, just that I get sleepy easily lol. Honestly some of my best naps have been from falling asleep while listening to the audio and holding the physical book. 
10. I've given up on a book because I couldn't understand it. It's okay to admit that a book isn't for you. Especially if there are over complicating words.

What are your bookish confessions? Share your guilty pleasures and reading habits in the comments below!


  1. I have done quite a few of these too! Definitely the crying one, and I think I am probably one of the worst book hoarders ever hah. I have given up on books I don't understand too- it is just not worth it, and it certainly isn't helping anyone for me to get angry with the thing!

    1. I am glad, I am not the only one! But yes I agree, if I am going to be reading a book that I cannot comprehend, I rather just stop because ain't nobody got time for that lol. Thank you for your comment, have a great day!
